iMuseum, Isle of Man
28 June 2023
Laura Fox, Senior Manager, Risk and Resilience, will give a talk, 'Speaking into the void - communicating with leadership to highlight risks and opportunities in the HR space' at the Isle of Man CIPD Annual General Meeting.
The Isle of Man Branch of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 28 June.
At the AGM, CIPD will be discussing the past year, providing information on committee members, appointing any new people who wish to become committee members and discussing the proposed plan for the year ahead in terms of events.
Laura Fox, Senior Manager, Risk and Resilience, has been invited as guest speaker, to give a talk, 'Speaking into the void - communicating with leadership to highlight risks and opportunities in the HR space'.
To find out more about this event, click here.