MONEYVAL published a positive report on the effectiveness of Guernsey’s anti-money laundering procedures recently
A new report published recently (10 February) by MONEYVAL has confirmed the high standards Guernsey adheres to in fighting financial crime and should send a strong message to international investors on the robust nature of the jurisdiction’s anti-money laundering framework.
Overall, Guernsey was judged in the report to be one of the most secure jurisdictions in the world for financial services, being one of only a few globally to pass all 40 recommendations around technical compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) standards. Guernsey also received pass ratings for six out of 11 categories (Immediate Outcomes) by which its effectiveness in AML and CFT was judged – including two at ‘High’ level.
Guernsey’s positive report follows a similar assessment published last year for Jersey, which found the jurisdiction demonstrated exemplary standards in countering money laundering and financial crime.
Commenting on Guernsey’s MONEYVAL 2025 report, Jim Gilligan, Managing Director – Guernsey at Suntera Global, said:
“The assessment published by MONEYVAL on Guernsey’s ability to combat money laundering and financial crime was a fantastic achievement on the part of the States of Guernsey, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and other bodies, and forms a critical part in underlining Guernsey’s position as a leading, cooperative and sophisticated financial services jurisdiction. The assessors’ findings are highly positive, indicating that Guernsey’s capabilities in this area are among the highest level found in jurisdictions evaluated around the world.
“In tandem with Jersey’s highly positive assessment last year, these reports combined send out a strong message to the international investor community that the Channel Islands are open for high quality business.”