Suntera Fund Services (IOM) Limited acted as manager to two authorised schemes, full details of which are available below.

Suntera High Income Fund PLC

Suntera High Income Fund PLC was an Isle of Man incorporated open-ended investment company authorised by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority as a Type A Authorised Scheme. It complied with the Isle of Man Authorised Collective Investment Schemes Regulations 2010. The Fund's authorisation order was revoked on 3 October 2022.

Suntera Sterling Roll-Up Fund PLC

Suntera Sterling Roll-Up Fund PLC was an Isle of Man incorporated open-ended investment company authorised by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority as a Type A Authorised Scheme. It complied with the Isle of Man Authorised Collective Investment Schemes Regulations 2010. The Fund's authorisation order was revoked on 3 October 2022.